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The Old Bones are awakening.  The Ancient Ones are calling.  They are asking for communication and to speak to us through their language.  This is the language of the Runes.

Each Rune contains its own vibration and offers a key that unlocks its mysteries.  It is an ancient portal that contains many layers and a vast field of knowledge.  It is an equal balance of male and female energies and sings of harmony, or dis-harmony.

In choosing a Rune Reading you are asking for advice and knowledge from a very ancient form of divination. You will be asked to cast, toss or choose Indicator Stones and Runes and in return their messages will be revealed. A Rune Reading provides answers, a quest and tools for the questing.

For a full Reading I use a personally designed Soul Map which is a northern tradition shamanic divination tool. The Reading consists of two rounds of divination.

The first round uses Indicator Stones which give a general overview and shows where a problem may exist. It may be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. This round reveals if the soul’s functioning is normal, weak, exceptional, blocked, karmic or missing.

The second round is a separate divination done using Runes to find specific information regarding questions from the first round. The second round provides more details and possible solutions.

Readings are available in person or through Zoom. Zoom Readings are recorded and sent as a separate email.

45-60 Minutes